Privacy Policy

Data Logged

Proxy Orbit is commited to keeping your information secure. We save the minimum amount of information needed to run our service properly. Proxy Orbit does not serve ads, mine crypto currency, or use your computer as a proxy service.

Proxy Orbit saves your email and API activity into a database controlled by Proxy Orbit. The proxy servers that we provide are not controlled by us. Proxy Orbit takes no responsibility for data logged by the Proxy server providers.

Proxy Orbit uses third party analytics software to monitor web traffic.


Proxy Orbit requires payment information to upgrade a user's plan. No payment information is saved by Proxy Orbit. Third party payment processing tools (Stripe) are used to security process payments.


Proxy Orbit are not own it's proxy servers directly. Proxy Orbit does not take any responsibility for information stored on these Proxy servers. Proxies are provided as is.


Temporary cookies are used to manage logins to the Dashboard.


API request data is logged by Proxy Orbit. This information includes date and time of a request as well as the user who made the request. Proxy Orbit does not log location or IP address of the API request.


Proxy Orbit will send out occasional emails on promotions and deals as well as emails on account status. Email addresses will not be used for any other purpose and will never be shared with a third party.


Proxy Orbit will abide by a valid subpoena request, however, each legal request is scrutinized for valid intent in regards to the law. Proxy Orbit will make all attempts, when valid and possible, to inform the User of the request so that they have the opportunity to object to it. Any unconstitutional request will be denied.


By using Proxy Orbit you consent to the policies listed above.